Every little bit counts

Give To Us And Change The World

Every team needs resources.

Nowalk 2.0 is committed to making the region a more culturally dynamic place by activating spaces, engaging in the arts, and generating pride in the City of Norwalk and beyond.

In Summer 2019, we are launching several projects in the New England region, helping to establish Norwalk as a visitor destination. The Iconic Norwalk project renews for the thrid year and is slated to begin late May 2019. This project will appeal to a diverse audience and feature the exhibition of approximately 2500 photos about what is Iconic in Norwalk. This project aims to strengthen community engagement and regional tourism and partner with artists locally and internationally.

Your generous contributions and donations will help Norwalk 2.0 develop this premier public art project that will:

• Bring visitors to various parts of the Norwalk community
• Activate and beautify underutilized spaces throughout Norwalk
• Increase the walkability of neighborhoods
• Provide spaces and resources for public art talks
• Create a truly unique event for the cultural capital of Fairfield County


Your donation is tax-deductible, Norwalk 2.0 is a 501(c)3 organization.


donate $25 below via stripe:

You can mail a check payable to Norwalk 2.0 here:

Norwalk 2.0, Inc.
PO BOX 783
Norwalk, CT 06852

We are on Guidestar.

